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Architecture Decision Record: Form Styling


There are various types of forms within the project, and it is always a dilemma as to whether to write specific styling per form, or to create a common set of base classes.


We have decided to create a set of default classes to be used when building different kinds of forms, as to not create a large amount of location that contain form styling. Considering the forms within the project all look very similar/consist of elements that look the same, it will be an advantage to have a centralized place to expand/apply future changes to.

As we follow the BEM class structure, the block is called dpl-form, which can be expanded with elements, and modifiers.

Alternatives considered

We considered writing new classes every time we introduced a new form, however, this seemed like the inferior option. If a specific form element was to change styling in the future, we would have to adjust all of the specific instances, instead of having a singular definition. And in case a specific instance needs to adopt a different styling, it can be achieved by creating a specific class fot that very purpose.


As per this decision, we expect introduction of new form elements to be styled expanding the current dpl-form class.

This currently has an exception in form of form inputs - these have been styled a long time ago and use the class dpl-input.

Implementation in the dpl-design-system

Here is the link to our form css file.