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Project Layout documentation & Examples

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This documentation provides detailed information on the CSS/SCSS standards for the 'formidling' project. It covers the usage of mixins for layout and spacing, as well as guidelines for responsive design.

Note on Applicability

This document and its standards apply specifically to elements of the 'formidling' project starting from December 1, 2023, and onwards. It has been created to aligns with the recent developments in the project and is not retroactively applied to earlier components or structures.

Layout related SCSS is defined in the variables.layout.scss file.

If anything in variables.layout.scss is modified or extended, make sure you include your changes in this documentation.


The file defines several variables for managing layout and spacing:

  • $layout__max-width--*: These variables store the maximum width values aligned with breakpoints.
  • block__max-width--*: These variables store the maximum width values between block (paragraph) elements.
  • $layout__edge-spacing: This variable stores the edge spacing (padding) value for containers.

All components that require a max-width should use the block__max-width--* variables along with layout-container.


The file defines two mixins:

  • layout-container($max-width, $padding): This mixin sets the maximum width, and padding of an element, as well as centering them.

  • block-spacing($modifier): This manages the vertical margins of elements, allowing for consistent spacing throughout the project. Use $modifer to create negative/sibling styles.

Vertical padding is not a part of layout.scss. Use regular $spacing variables for that.

block-spacing($modifier) is an approach use for the CMS, where all paragraphs are rendered with a wrapper that will automatically add necessary spacing between the components. Any component that is not a paragraph, should therefore follow this approach by including the mixin @mixin block-spacing

The $modfier is currently a either

  • sibling used for add a -1px to remove borders between sibling elements.
  • negative used for elements that require -margin instead.

Example Usage

Here are some examples of how to use these mixins, and utility classes.

Including mixins in components using BEM

// Using mixins in your BEM-named parent container.
.your-BEM-component-name {
  @include layout-container;

  @include media-query__small() {
    // Applying new edge spacing (Padding) using $spacings / other.
    @include layout-container($padding: $s-xl);

 @include media-query__large() {
    // Removing max-width & applying specific padding from $spacings / other
     @include layout-container($max-width: 0, $padding: $s-md);

Adding spacing to non-paragraph elements in the cms

// Using block-spacing for non-paragraph component or container.
.your-BEM-component-name {
  @include block-spacing;