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We wanted a methodology of handling state when we have a feature set with a growing number of different states, transitions and context.

Also we wanted to get acquainted with Xstate both because of its principle of using a state tree and because of it's possibility of visualizing the various scenarios/flows a user could go through.


The search page was growing into being a problematic scenario as described above with multiple elements and connected states to be managed:

  • Searching
  • Loading more results
  • Filtering and loading possible filters
  • Linking to a search/filtering

So we decided to implement the current early version of the search in Xstate in order to get a transparent state tree controlling the different states and transition to other states.

Alternatives considered

Other state handlers where considered:

  • Zustand
  • Redux


Common to the alternatives considered is the fact that they do have the concept of a state tree controlling which transitions are available at the various levels.

By having all the states and possible transitions between them in a Xstate machine we have a predictable way of treating the various cases/flows a user can go through.

Also Xstate has powerful tools in order to handle side effects of the machine/actor. One example is the event handlers which we use for listening if a filter was toggled. When a filter is toggled we can either set or remove a query parameter accordingly.

Even machine/actors can interact with each other, but let's see if we will ever need that complexity.