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Architecture Decision Record: Lagoon


The Danish Libraries needed a platform for hosting a large number of Drupal installations. As it was unclear exactly how to build such a platform and how best to fulfill a number of requirements, a Proof Of Concept project was initiated to determine whether to use an existing solution or build a platform from scratch.

After an evaluation, Lagoon was chosen.


The main factors behind the decision to use Lagoon where:

  • Much lower cost of maintenance than a self-built platform.
  • The platform is continually updated, and the updates are available for free.
  • A well-established platform with a lot of proven functionality right out of the box.
  • The option of professional support by Amazee

When using and integrating with Lagoon we should strive to

  • Make as little modifications to Lagoon as possible
  • Whenever possible, use the defaults, recommendations and best practices documented on eg.

We do this to keep true to the initial thought behind choosing Lagoon as a platform that gives us a lot of functionality for a (comparatively) small investment.

Alternatives considered

The main alternative that was evaluated was to build a platform from scratch. While this may have lead to a more customized solution that more closely matched any requirements the libraries may have, it also required a very large investment would require a large ongoing investment to keep the platform maintained and updated.

We could also choose to fork Lagoon, and start making heavy modifications to the platform to end up with a solution customized for our needs. The downsides of this approach has already been outlined.