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Alertmanager Setup

We use the alertmanager which automatically ties to the metrics of Prometheus but in order to make it work the configuration and rules need to be setup.


The configuration is stored in a secret:

kubectl get secret \
  -n prometheus alertmanager-promstack-kube-prometheus-alertmanager -o yaml

In order to update the configuration you need to get the secret resource definition yaml output and retrieve the data.alertmanager.yaml property.

You need to base64 decode the value, update configuration with SMTP settings, receivers and so forth.


It is possible to set up various rules(thresholds), both on cluster level and for separate containers and namespaces.

Here is a site with examples of rules to get an idea of the possibilities.


We have tested the setup by making a configuration looking like this:

Get the configuration form the secret as described above.

Change it with smtp settings in order to be able to debug the alerts:

  resolve_timeout: 5m
  smtp_from: xxx@xxx.xx
  smtp_auth_username: xxx@xxx.xx
  smtp_auth_password: xxxx
- name: default
- name: email-notification
    - to: xxx@xxx.xx
  - namespace
  group_interval: 5m
  group_wait: 30s
  receiver: default
  repeat_interval: 12h
  - match:
      alertname: testing
    receiver: email-notification
  - match:
      severity: critical
    receiver: email-notification

Base64 encode the configuration and update the secret with the new configuration hash.

Find the cluster ip of the alertmanager service running (the service name can possibly vary):

kubectl get svc -n prometheus promstack-kube-prometheus-alertmanager

And then run a curl command in the cluster (you need to find the IP o):

# 1.
kubectl run -i --rm --tty debug --image=curlimages/curl --restart=Never -- sh

# 2
curl -XPOST http://[ALERTMANAGER_SERVICE_CLUSTER_IP]:9093/api/v1/alerts \
 -d '[{"status": "firing","labels": {"alertname": "testing","service": "curl",\
 "severity": "critical","instance": "0"},"annotations": {"summary": \
 "This is a summary","description": "This is a description."},"generatorURL": \
 "startsAt": "2020-07-22T01:05:38+00:00"}]'