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This directory contains the configuration and tooling we use to support our use of terraform.

The Terraform setup

The setup keeps a single terraform-state pr. environment. Each state is kept as separate blobs in a Azure Storage Account.

Overview of the Terraform setup

Access to the storage account is granted via a Storage Account Key which is kept in a Azure Key Vault in the same resource-group. The key vault, storage account and the resource-group that contains these resources are the only resources that are not provisioned via Terraform.

Initial setup of Terraform

The following procedure must be carried out before the first environment can be created.


  • A Azure subscription
  • An authenticated azure CLI that is allowed to use create resources and grant access to these resources under the subscription including Key Vaults. The easiest way to achieve this is to grant the user the Owner and Key Vault Administrator roles to on subscription.

Use the scripts/ for bootstrapping. After the script has been run successfully it outputs instructions for how to set up a terraform module that uses the newly created storage-account for state-tracking.

As a final step you must grant any administrative users that are to use the setup permission to read from the created key vault.


The setup uses an integration with DNSimple to set a domain name when the environments ingress ip has been provisioned. To use this integration first obtain a api-key for the DNSimple account. Then use scripts/ to write it to the setups Key Vault and finally add the following section to .dplsh.profile ( get the subscription id and key vault name from existing export for ARM_ACCESS_KEY).

export DNSIMPLE_TOKEN=$(az keyvault secret show --subscription "<subscriptionid>"\
 --name dnsimple-api-key --vault-name <key vault-name> --query value -o tsv)
export DNSIMPLE_ACCOUNT="<dnsimple-account-id>"

Terraform Setups

A setup is used to manage a set of environments. We currently have a single that manages all environments.


  • Name: alpha
  • Resource-group: rg-tfstate-alpha
  • Key Vault name: kv-dpltfstatealpha001
  • Storage account: stdpltfstatealpha001

Terraform Modules

Root module

The platform environments share a number of general modules, which are then used via a number of root-modules set up for each environment.

Consult the general environment documentation for descriptions on which resources you can expect to find in an environment and how they are used.

Consult the environment overview for an overview of environments.

DPL Platform Infrastructure Module

The dpl-platform-environment Terraform module provisions all resources that are required for a single DPL Platform Environment.

Inspect for a description of the required module-variables.

Inspect for a list of outputs.

Inspect the individual module files for documentation of the resources.

The following diagram depicts (amongst other things) the provisioned resources. Consult the platform environment documentation for more details on the role the various resources plays. The Azure infrastructure

DPL Platform Site Environment Module

The dpl-platform-env-repos Terraform module provisions the GitHub Git repositories that the platform uses to integrate with Lagoon. Each site hosted on the platform has a registry.

Inspect for a description of the required module-variables.

Inspect for a list of outputs.

Inspect the individual module files for documentation of the resources.

The following diagram depicts how the module gets its credentials for accessing GitHub and what it provisions. Provisioning Github infrastructure