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Add a new library site to the platform

When to use

When you want to add a new core-test, editor, webmaster or programmer dpl-cms site to the platform.


  • An authenticated az cli. The logged in user must have full administrative permissions to the platforms azure infrastructure.
  • A running dplsh with DPLPLAT_ENV set to the platform environment name.


The following sections describes how to

  • Add the site to sites.yaml
  • Using the sites.yaml specification to provision Github repositories, create Lagoon projects, tie the two together, and deploy all the relevant environments.

Step 1, update sites.yaml

Create an entry for the site in sites.yaml.

Specify a unique site key (its key in the map of sites), name and description. Leave out the deployment-key, it will be added automatically by the synchronization script.

Sample entry (beware that this example be out of sync with the environment you are operating, so make sure to compare it with existing entries from the environment)

    name: "Roskilde Bibliotek"
    description: "Roskilde Bibliotek"
    primary-domain: ""
    secondary-domains: [""]
    dpl-cms-release: "1.2.3"
    << : *default-release-image-source

The last entry merges in a default set of properties for the source of release- images. If the site is on the "programmer" plan, specify a custom set of properties like so:

    name: "Roskilde Bibliotek"
    description: "Roskilde Bibliotek"
    primary-domain: ""
    secondary-domains: [""]
    dpl-cms-release: "1.2.3"
    # Github package registry used as an example here, but any registry will
    # work.
    releaseImageName: some-image-name

Be aware that the referenced images needs to be publicly available as Lagoon currently only authenticates against

Sites on the "webmaster" plan must have the field plan set to "webmaster" as this indicates that an environment for testing custom Drupal modules should also be deployed. For example:

    name: "Roskilde Bibliotek"
    description: "Roskilde Bibliotek"
    primary-domain: ""
    secondary-domains: [""]
    dpl-cms-release: "1.2.3"
    plan: webmaster
    << : *default-release-image-source

The field plan defaults to standard.

Now you are ready to sync the site state.

Synchronize site state for site

You have made a single additive change to the sites.yaml file. It is important to ensure that your branch is otherwise up-to-date with main, as the state you currently have in sites.yaml is what will be ensured exists in the platform.

You may end up undoing changes that other people have done, if you don't have their changes to sites.yaml in your branch.


  • A Lagoon account on the Lagoon core with your ssh-key associated (created through the Lagoon UI, on the Settings page)

From within dplsh run the sites:sync task to sync the site state in sites.yaml, creating your new site:

task site:full-sync

Or to sync multiple sites.

task sites:sync

You may be prompted to confirm Terraform plan execution and approve other critical steps. Read and consider these messages carefully and ensure you are not needlessly changing other sites.

Be aware that while site:full-sync works with a single site in Lagoon, Terraform always works on all sites, so if you see another site than the one you're adding in the Terraform plan, abort immediately.

The synchronization process:

  • ensures a Github repo is provisioned for the site
  • creates a Lagoon configuration for the site and pushes it to the relevant branches in the repo (for example, sites with plan: "webmaster" also get a moduletest branch for testing custom Drupal modules)
  • ensures a Lagoon project is created for the site
  • configures Lagoon to track and deploy all the relevant branches for the site as environments

If no other changes have been made to sites.yaml, the result is that your new site is created and deployed to all relevant environments.