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Connecting the Lagoon CLI

When to use

When you want to use the Lagoon API via the CLI. You can connect from the DPL Shell, or from a local installation of the CLI.

Using the DPL Shell requires administrative privileges to the infrastructure while a local CLI may connect using only the ssh-key associated to a Lagoon user.

This runbook documents both cases, as well as how an administrator can extract the basic connection details a standard user needs to connect to the Lagoon installation.


  • Your ssh-key associated with a lagoon user. This has to be done via the Lagoon UI by either you for your personal account, or by an administrator who has access to edit your Lagoon account.
  • For local installations of the cli:
  • The Lagoon CLI installed locally
  • Connectivity details for the Lagoon environment
  • For administrative access to extract connection details or use the lagoon cli from within the dpl shell:
  • A valid dplsh setup to extract the connectivity details


Obtain the connection details for the environment

You can skip this step and go to Configure your local lagoon cli) if your environment is already in Current Platform environments and you just want to have a local lagoon cli working.

If it is missing, go through the steps below and update the document if you have access, or ask someone who has.

# Launch dplsh.
$ cd infrastructure
$ dplsh

# 1. Set an environment,
# export DPLPLAT_ENV=<platform environment name>
# eg.
$ export DPLPLAT_ENV=dplplat01

# 2. Authenticate against AKS, needed by infrastructure and Lagoon tasks
$ task cluster:auth

# 3. Generate the Lagoon CLI configuration and authenticate
# The Lagoon CLI is authenticated via ssh-keys. DPLSH will mount your .ssh
# folder from your homedir, but if your keys are passphrase protected, we need
# to unlock them.
$ eval $(ssh-agent); ssh-add
# Authorize the lagoon cli
$ task lagoon:cli:config

# List the connection details
$ lagoon config list

Configure your local lagoon cli

Get the details in the angle-brackets from Current Platform environments:

$ lagoon config add \
    --graphql https://<GraphQL endpoint> \
    --ui https://<Lagoon UI> \
    --hostname <SSH host> \
    --ssh-key <SSH Key Path> \
    --port <SSH port>> \
    --lagoon <Lagoon name>

# Eg.
$ lagoon config add \
    --graphql \
    --force \
    --ui \
    --hostname \
    --port 22 \
    --lagoon dplplat01

Then log in:

# Set the configuration as default.
lagoon config default --lagoon <Lagoon name>
lagoon login
lagoon whoami

# Eg.
lagoon config default --lagoon dplplat01
lagoon login
lagoon whoami