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Deploy new release for approval testing

When to use

When deploying a new release, for approval testing by DDF, on the staging project


Procedure: New release for approval testing

Use this procedure to deploy a new version for testing before it is released to production library sites.

  1. In your local environment ensure that your checkout of the main branch for dpl-platform is up to date.
  2. Create a new branch from main.
  3. Open infrastructure/environments/dplplat01/sites.yaml, find staging, then update the value of dpl-cms-release and moduletest-dpl-cms-release for staging to the new version
  4. Commit the change and push your branch to GitHub and create a pull request.
  5. Request a review for the change and wait for approval.
  6. Start dplsh from the /infrastructure directory of your local environment by running ../tools/dplsh/
  7. Run SITE=staging task site:sync to deploy the changes.
  8. Open the deployment section for the staging project in the Lagoon UI.
  9. Wait for the deployment to complete.
  10. If the deployment does not complete determine if the error relates to the platform or the application.
  11. If it is a platform-related error then try to redeploy the environment from the Lagoon UI.
  12. Merge the pull request once the deployment completes.

Procedure: a some sites fails to deploy

We have experience this quite a lot. We have gathered a list of known issues and how to solve them a troubleshoot runbook