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Retrieve site logs

When to use

When you want to inspects the logs produced by as specific site


  • Login credentials for Grafana. As a fallback the password for the admin can password can be fetched from the cluster if it has not been changed via
kubectl get secret \
  --namespace grafana \
  -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" \
  grafana \
| base64 -d

Consult the access-kubernetes Run book for instructions on how to access the cluster.

Procedure - Loki / Grafana

Using the inspector to download logs

  1. Access the environments Grafana installation - consult the for the url.
  2. Select "Explorer" in the left-most menu and select the "Loki" data source in the top.
  3. Query the logs for the environment by either
  4. Use the Log Browser to pick the namespace for the site. It will follow the pattern <sitename>-<branchname>.
  5. Do a custom LogQL, eg. to fetch all logs from the nginx container for the site "main" branch of the "rdb" site do query on the form {app="nginx-php-persistent",container="nginx",namespace="rdb-main"}
  6. Eg, for the main branch for the site "rdb": {namespace="rdb-main"}
  7. Click "Inspector" -> "Data" -> "Download Logs" to download the log lines.