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Upgrading Lagoon

When to use

When there is a need to upgrade Lagoon to a new patch or minor version.



  • A running dplsh launched from ./infrastructure with DPLPLAT_ENV set to the platform environment name.
  • Knowledge about the version of Lagoon you want to upgrade to.
  • You can extract version (= chart version) and appVersion (= lagoon release version) for the lagoon-remote / lagoon-core charts via the following commands (replace lagoon-core for lagoon-remote if necessary).


curl -s \
  | yq '.entries.lagoon-core[] | [.name, .appVersion, .version, .created] | @tsv'


curl -s \
  | yq '.entries.lagoon-remote[] | [.name, .appVersion, .version, .created] | @tsv'
  • Knowledge of any breaking changes or necessary actions that may affect the platform when upgrading. See chart release notes for all intermediate chart releases.


  1. Upgrade Lagoon core
    1. Backup the API and Keycloak dbs as described in the official documentation
    2. Bump the chart version VERSION_LAGOON_CORE in infrastructure/environments/<env>/lagoon/lagoon-versions.env
    3. Perform a helm diff
      • DIFF=1 task lagoon:provision:core
    4. Perform the actual upgrade
      • task lagoon:provision:core
  2. Upgrade Lagoon remote
    1. Bump the chart version VERSION_LAGOON_REMOTE in infrastructure/environments/<env>/lagoon/lagoon-versions.env
    2. Perform a helm diff
      • DIFF=1 task lagoon:provision:remote
    3. Perform the actual upgrade
      • task lagoon:provision:remote
    4. Take note in the output from Helm of any CRD updates that may be required