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Using the DPL Shell

The Danish Public Libraries Shell (dplsh) is a container-based shell used by platform-operators for all cli operations.

When to use

Whenever you perform any administrative actions on the platform. If you want to know more about the shell itself? Refer to tools/dplsh.


  • Docker
  • jq
  • Bash 4 or newer
  • An authorized Azure az cli. The version should match the version found in FROM in the dplsh Dockerfile You can choose to authorize the az cli from within dplsh, but your session will only last as long as the shell-session. The use you authorize as must have permission to read the Terraform state from the Terraform setup , and Contributor permissions on the environments resource-group in order to provision infrastructure.
  • symlinked into your path as dplsh, see Launching the Shell (optional, but assumed below)


# Launch dplsh.
$ cd infrastructure
$ dplsh

# 1. Set an environment,
# export DPLPLAT_ENV=<platform environment name>
# eg.
$ export DPLPLAT_ENV=dplplat01

# 2a. Authenticate against AKS, needed by infrastructure and Lagoon tasks
$ task cluster:auth

# 2b - if you want to use the Lagoon CLI)
# The Lagoon CLI is authenticated via ssh-keys. DPLSH will mount your .ssh
# folder from your homedir, but if your keys are passphrase protected, we need
# to unlock them.
$ eval $(ssh-agent); ssh-add
# Then authorize the lagoon cli
$ task lagoon:cli:config