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As a part of the project, we need to implement a dropdown autosuggest component. This component needs to be complient with modern website accessibility rules:

  • The component dropdown items are accessible by keyboard by using arrow keys - down and up.
  • The items visibly change when they are in current focus.
  • Items are selectable using the keyboard.

Apart from these accessibility features, the component needs to follow a somewhat complex design described in this Figma file. As visible in the design this autosuggest dropdown doesn't consist only of single line text items, but also contains suggestions for specific works - utilizing more complex suggestion items with cover pictures, and release years.


Our research on the most popular and supported javascript libraries heavily leans on this specific article. In combination with our needs described above in the context section, but also considering what it would mean to build this component from scratch without any libraries, the decision taken favored a library called Downshift.

This library is the second most popular JS library used to handle autsuggest dropdowns, multiselects, and select dropdowns with a large following and continuous support. Out of the box, it follows the ARIA principles, and handles problems that we would normally have to solve ourselves (e.g. opening and closing of the dropdown/which item is currently in focus/etc.).

Another reason why we choose Downshift over its peer libraries is the amount of flexibility that it provides. In our eyes, this is a strong quality of the library that allows us to also implement more complex suggestion dropdown items.

Alternatives considered

Building the autosuggest dropdown not using javascript libraries

In this case, we would have to handle accessibility and state management of the component with our own custom solutition.




  • We are able to comply with ARIA accesibility design principles for autosuggest dropdowns/comboboxes.
  • We introduced complexity to the project for initial project integration of the library.
  • After initial integration, this library can be utilized for all other select, multiselect, and autosuggest/combobox solutions.