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Staying informed about how the size of the JavaScript we require browsers to download to use the project plays an important part in ensuring a performant solution.

We currently have no awareness of this in this project and the result surfaces down the line when the project is integrated with the CMS, which is tested with Lighthouse.

To address this we want a solution that will help us monitor the changes to the size of the bundle we ship for each PR.


We add integration to RelativeCI to the project. RelativeCI supports our primary use case and has a number of qualities which we value:

Alternatives considered


Bundlewatch and its ancestor, bundlesize combine a CLI tool and a web app to provide bundle analysis and feedback on GitHub as status checks.

These solutions no longer seem to be actively maintained. There are several bugs that would affect us and fixes remain unmerged. The project relies on a custom secret instead of GITHUB_TOKEN. This makes supporting our fork-based development workflow harder.

Bundle comparison

This is a GitHub Action which can be used in configurations where statistics for two bundles are compared e.g. for the base and head of a pull request. This results in a table of changes displayed as a comment in the pull request. This is managed using GITHUB_TOKEN.




  • We can determine the effect of adding a new JavaScript library to our project
  • We add another dependency to a third party system