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FBS adapter client

The FBS client adapter is autogenerated base the swagger 1.2 json files from FBS. But Orval requires that we use swagger version 2.0 and the adapter has some changes in paths and parameters. So some conversion is need at the time of this writing.

FBS documentation can be found here.

All this will hopefully be changed when/or if the adapter comes with its own specifications.

API spec converter

A repository dpl-fbs-adapter-tool tool build around PHP and NodeJS can translate the FBS specifikation into one usable for Orval client generator. It also filters out all the FBS calls not need by the DPL project.

The tool uses go-task to simply the execution of the command.


Simple use the installation task.

task dev:install

Convert swagger

First convert the swagger 1.2 (located in /fbs/externalapidocs) to swagger 2.0 using the api-spec-converter tool.


Build the Adapter specifications

Build the swagger specification usable by Orval then run Orval.

task dev:convert

FBS Adapter

The FSB adapter lives at: