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Skeleton screens

In order to improve both UX and the performance score you can choose to use skeleton screens in situation where you need to fill the interface with data from a requests to an external service.

Main Purpose

The skeleton screens are being showed instantly in order to deliver some content to the end user fast while loading data. When the data is arriving the skeleton screens are being replaced with the real data.

How to use it

The skeleton screens are rendered with help from the skeleton-screen-css library. By using ssc classes you can easily compose screens that simulate the look of a "real" rendering with real data.


In this example we are showing a search result item as a skeleton screen. The skeleton screen consists of a cover, a headline and two lines of text. In this case we wanted to maintain the styling of the .card-list-item wrapper. And show the skeleton screen elements by using ssc classes.

```tsx import React from "react";

const SearchResultListItemSkeleton: React.FC = () => { return (

); };

export default SearchResultListItemSkeleton;